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Learn Baby Sign Language - A Detailed Guide

It’s needless to say that the journey of parenthood is beautiful!  Nurturing a baby and seeing him/her growing up is no less than pure bliss. However, parenthood comes with its own challenges and sets of responsibilities. One of them includes understanding your child even when he/she is unable to speak words. That’s where the importance of grasping baby sign language swoops in. Once you and your child learn baby sign language, the overall process of communication becomes much smoother. In this blog, we will learn in detail how to begin using baby sign language. Let’s get started! 


Baby Sign Language


Understanding Baby Sign Language

Baby Sign Language is the method of teaching simple gestures to babies for things they need. When we do this, suddenly a whole new world opens for both babies and parents.

According to Lane Reblo - "A Baby's ability to speak develops later than his or her ability to comprehend spoken language, causing a lag between what they understand (receptive language) and what they can communicate (expressive language )."

Signing gives a baby tools that let him express what he/she is thinking before actually speaking. Parents who use signs find it easier to understand their child. Delve deeper into this blog to understand how to teach baby sign language at a quick glance.


How To Teach Baby Sign Language


The first thing to understand about teaching a baby sign language is synchronizing speech and hand fomations with the gestured meanings. For example, when you give your baby milk, say "milk " while making the sign for it. ( Repeat an open and closed fist as in a milking gesture.)

Match the spoken word every time with the sign. And remember, repetition is the key. At first the baby may not be registering the intended meaning. It may take him some time to catch on. But when he/she does, the communication between you two will suddenly become clear. It's very exciting when this happens.


When To Start Baby Sign Language

Typically, most babies can start signing between 9 and 12 months. Parents can begin teaching sign language to their baby at any time. Some parents start early, but some wait a few months.  You should be signing the first three words (milk, eat and more) repeatedly and consistently. When the baby signs back to you, then add a fourth word to teach. Signing will be very helpful for your baby or frustrated toddler. You will notice a calming of temperament as he/she learns signs because he /she is gaining control and making himself understood.  Have fun with it and enjoy the process.


Common Baby Signs


When you begin to teach sign language, you must decide which signs to choose first. We recommend that these should be the first three signs: "Milk, Eat, and More." Find the signs for them in our book, Sign Baby Sign.

Then select words that you and your family members use daily, like name signs: "Mommy, Daddy, Jonnny, and Rover." Our book has a section on how to sign names. Below, we have mentioned other common baby signs, please take a look:

  •  "Hungry" Sign

The baby must communicate when their tummy feels empty. You have to teach them how to show you they're hungry. You can make the sign of "hungry" by cupping your hand to make a C shape. Then slide your hand down from your chest to your stomach.

  •  "Drink" Sign

For the "drink" sign, mimic the action. Make a C shape with your hand, as if holding a cup, then move it to your mouth and tip it, as if you were drinking from it.

  • "Please" Sign

Open your hand flat against your chest; make a moving circle around your chest area and say, "Please." Teach your child to use this sign after he points to something he wants. Then give him what he wants if it's safe. Have fun with this one!

Final Thoughts

Sign language is great for understanding your baby's needs and wants. For more information, refer to our sign language book, Sign Baby Sign. There you will find 80 easy baby signs to choose from. In the accompanying video C D, the author actually signs each word so you and your family may follow along. Try it...it's lots of fun! They are both available here on this official website. And don't forget, baby sign language is proven to increase the IQ by an average of 12 points! This will provide benefits throughout your child's education for years.