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What Basic Baby Signs Should You Teach Your Child?

Seriously, what can be more beautiful and precious than entering the phase of parenthood?It’s a rewarding experience; and now all you want is to giveyour child the best life possible. Embracing your little one in your arms makes you feel at peace, doesn't it?But, what if one fine day, your baby starts crying, and you are unable to understand the reason behind it? Probably he/she wants to have some milk.But wait, your infant won’t be able to communicate it to you through spoken words. So, what’s the solution, dear parent? Baby sign language to the rescue!

Sign language is a great way to improve communication between you and your child. All you have to do is get a baby sign language book and DVD and learn from it, that’s all! Now, while reading this, you might wonder what exact signs you should begin with. Well, we have got you covered! Let’s get started!

Basic Signs that You Should Teach Your Baby

More, Eat and Milk are the first three signs to teach. Find them in our Sign Baby Sign book. Once the child is using these himself / herself, then add more signs.  This should happen at around the 9th month.  Below are some suggestions.

●      Milk

As you already know, milk is a need for your little child. Whether he/she wants to have milk from their bottleor breastfeeding, conveying their hunger to their parents is important. That’s where the importance of sign language comes in; it helps you understand your baby much better.

●      Pick me Up

Little babies love to cuddle with their parents, and they try to extend their cute hands in order to convey that. So, whenever your baby is trying to reach out to you, know that they are in the mood to enjoy comfort in your arms.

●      All Done

Let’s say you are playing a game with your child, but now it’s time for him/her to have dinner and sleep. That’s when you will want to use the ‘all done’ sign. This will help him/her understand that the particular activity is over, and now it’s time for some other activities to begin.You will get all the details in our baby sign language book. Get it with just one click:

●      Change Diaper

A dirty diaper can make your precious one feel uncomfortable.It's against hygiene as well.  Have your baby tap his/herdiaper on the side a few times to let you know that he/she wants a diaper change.

●      Play

Every child loves to play with their parents and close ones, but they can’t always make you understand that. By using  the sign for 'play', the problem can be solved.  You can then play with your youngster and make his/her heart happy and content.

●      Daddy and Mommy

We know that you wait for your child to call you ‘Daddy’ and ‘Mommy.’   Before that happens, you may teach these name signs easily. Don’t delay the process learn baby sign language today.

Get Started with Our Baby Sign Language Book and DVD

Now that you know some of the basic signs to get started with, what are you waiting for? Get your hands on our baby sign language bookSign Baby SignAll signs are listed alphabetically so you may look them up easily.

Start training your little one early. You can check out the table of contents on our website.We at LYNN LAMONT SHOP do have a lot to offer. Foster a positive connection with your baby from the start.  Get in touch with us without any further delay.